Owen Phillips
Owen Phillips’ experience in the digital marketing industry started with his work on John McCain for President in 2008, and he has developed and executed digital marketing and advertising strategies for political, corporate and non-profit organizations ever since.
What Is Quality Ad Inventory and Why Is It Important?
Imagine spending tens of thousands of dollars on digital advertising—only to find out that half of your impressions went to bots! If you’re not buying high-quality ad inventory, you’re probably not advertising to real people. If that’s the case, your impressions and CTR (Click Through Rate) are meaningless. Quality digital ad inventory is important for…
Owen Phillips
How to Launch Digital Marketing for Your Political Campaign
Launching a digital campaign for candidates and PACs can be a challenge, but Arena’s experienced team can help. Read on to see our checklist of what you’ll need to get started on your website design and build, and digital advertising.
Owen Phillips
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