political texting text messaging
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    Political Texting that Works: Here’s How

    Did you know 95% of political text messages are read in the first five minutes of being sent? Personally, I read mine within the first 30 seconds. In addition, text messages have an average open rate of 98%. As such, political texting presents a great opportunity to reach your target audience before your competitors who are…

  • How to Launch Digital Marketing for Your Political Campaign

    Launching a digital campaign for candidates and PACs can be a challenge, but Arena’s experienced team can help. Read on to see our checklist of what you’ll need to get started on your website design and build, and digital advertising.

  • 5 Ways to Blaze a Path in Digital Campaign Fundraising

    I can almost guarantee that you will have some sort of digital campaign fundraising appeal for a political candidate or cause that will lead you to believe your $5 donation will equal $5,000. How?

  • Interactive Ads Do More!

    Here at Arena, our business is persuasion. Through engaging and well targeted direct mail, digital, OTT/CTV, and text advertisements, our focus is winning the hearts and minds of voters for our clients. And, as digital advertising has become an increasingly critical outreach method, a constant question we ask ourselves is “How can we increase the effectiveness…

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